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Constitution & Bylaws v8 – Resolutions 1-4 inclusive – unanimously passed 02-27-2021
In 2018 Phillip Beall (W5EBC) agreed to undertake a review and rewrite of the Club governance documents. At the October 24, 2020 Club meeting he made a presentation which included opening remarks, a PowerPoint presentation, a Resolution to adopt the draft Constitution & Bylaws as presented and coordination of a Motion to Table (Motion to Postpone) adoption to the next meeting. The purpose of this was to allow introduction of the material, discussion of the material at the October meeting, distribution of the material to Club members not in attendance and then further discussion and possible modification and/or adoption at the November meeting. All of that material is provided below. If you will please review the material below in the order it is presented that will aid understanding the overall package.
- Phillip’s opening remarks to the group
. - PowerPoint presentation (converted to PDF to ease distribution)
. - Resolution
. - Draft Constitution & Bylaws
. - Motion to Table until next meeting (Motion to Postpone)
November 28 Club meeting update: At the November 28 meeting Phillip gave another presentation to the group. This presentation incorporated input that Phillip had received since the October presentation. He went through the package seeking sentiment of the group to incorporate corrections, modifications, etc., into a package to bring to the next meeting. There was a motion to postpone action on the resolution until the January meeting and the group expressed approval for Phillip to move the presentation into a resolution for consideration at the January meeting. The presentation has been converted to a PDF and can be viewed by clicking here.